Thanks to mystery shopping we accurately reveal  strengths and weaknesses of your employees, your branches or the entire network.

We can help you make arrangements and enhance all your numbers and KPIs.

Mystery shopping will bring real and undistorted view of the state of your business. Stop making excuses for your employees and be one move ahead of your competitors.

How do your employees behave when you're not looking? How many of your potential customers pass by the place where you are operating your business? What do your   customers think? What is the inventory status of your products? Hello Innovation is here for you to check your employees, branches and the level of your services. We can measure the throughput of a particular location, set, implement and evaluate a survey among potential customers. Thanks to our internal system, we can keep track of your product inventory wherever needed.




We provide mystery shopping services in the Czech republic, Slovakia, Poland, Norway, Finland, Germany, the Great Britain, Benelux countries and the USA. 

Mystery shopping - Thanks to mystery shopping you will see how your employees behave with real customers. Discover how they represent your company, how they work with customer needs and how they sell your products and services. And this is just the beginning. We examine loyalties, emotions, and unexpected behaviour. We measure your competitors performace, compare your employees' performance with your competitor's employees. We measure retail traffic and use confrontational scenarios if needed.

Retail Traffic - we measure in a particular place and a particular time the throughput of potential customers according to your specifications, eg. men / women / age groups / product mix / different times of day, etc.

Opinion pool - We create a survey design to fit your needs. We select the most appropriate locations by respondent type, we train data collectors and we perform the entire survey electronically by using our apps on mobile and tablets. We will evaluate the found data and we will present it to your and the apprropriate stakeholders.

Inventory - Thanks to a dense network of mystery shoppers, we can provide inventory controls (prices, stocks, photos and more) of products in networks of various outlets (gas stations, supermarkets, schools, etc.). The inventory is processed in internal applications on mobile and tablets. The results, including photos, are immediately transmitted to the client system. Data collection is controlled with the GPS location.

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13 Countries
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